We offer footwear in STANDARD and CUSTOM sizes.
Standard: In stock items may be ordered from our shopping cart…We make our footwear in Standard UNISEX Sizes 4-15 (whole sizes only) To help us ensure the best possible fit, we ask that you provide your normal American street size. If you are unsure of your size an accurate foot tracing and measuring will be helpful.
Feel free to include any other information that may affect how you generally fit in footwear. Whether you want standard or custom sizing, give us information regarding your feet.
- What size and width shoes you normally purchase?
- Do you wear a longer size due to the width of your feet?
- Do you have specific problems such as bunions, plantar fasciitis?
- Knee stress, low or high arches, narrow heels?
- Do you wear orthotics?
If you are unsure of your size or have trouble fitting into standard sized shoes, measure the overall length (longest points) and width (at widest points) of your feet. Follow our tracing instructions.
To measure your feet, stand on a ruler (or measuring tape) with your heel to a wall and find the overall length, and the width at the widest points.
Custom Patterns
For Custom patterns follow the instructions below and have a friend trace and measure your feet. It’s important that you are assisted in this process as you will throw off the measurement if you bend to do it yourself.
Custom Tracing Form
Please do not fax a tracing to us as it may become distorted.
Please send your measurements to:
4988 Gold Leaf Drive, Mariposa, CA 95338
We sincerely appreciate your order.